Developmental Therapeutics Core
The Developmental Therapeutics Core (DTC) is a key component in preclinical drug development at Northwestern University. The core has facilitated the rapid growth of both basic and clinical cancer research with a focus on the development on new therapeutics and diagnostics by supporting the translational aspects of this research. It provides translational services to clinical investigators interested in moving agents into the clinic who might lack laboratory facilities and/or expertise with in vitro or in-vivo including mouse tumor models. It also provides translational services to basic science investigators who lack expertise in tumor biology (e.g., for chemists synthesizing compounds with anti-tumor activities that lack the training to evaluate these compounds in vitro and in vivo). Finally, the core also investigates novel therapeutic targets and approaches and novel animal tumor models to support the next generation of translation including exploratory Pharmacokinetics and Toxicology of novel compounds. The DTC is prepared to advance the goals of the Northwestern cancer research community in advancing new therapeutics and diagnostics from the benchtop into the clinic.
Contact Us
- Silverman Hall, B715
2170 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
Services & Equipment
Key Services
The Core offers a full suite of fee-for-service tumor biology and translational support services including:
- in vitro and in vivo assessment of drug activity and mechanism of action
- exploratory drug development activities such as pharmacokinetics and toxicology
- consultation and project management
- clinical trial support
All manuscripts and grants presenting work supported by this core should include the following acknowledgement:
Animal studies were performed by the Northwestern University Developmental Therapeutics Core generously supported by NCI CCSG P30 CA060553 awarded to the Robert H Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center.Core Navigator